Dr. Ziad Al-Dwairi

Dr. Ziad Al-Dwairi
Professor Ziad N. Al-Dwairi works as a Professor of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry at Jordan University of Science and Technology.
He holds a PhD in Prosthodontics, Queens University/Belfast, UK in 2001, Fellowship of The International Academy of Dento Facial Esthetics (FIADFE) in 2012 and Fellowship of the International College of Dentists FICD/2015, Fellowship of The Academy of Dentistry International/2016(FADI), Membership of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDSRCPS-Glasg)/2017 and Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MFDSRCS-Ed)/2017, Membership of Royal College of Surgeons of England (MFDSRCS Eng) and membership of Faculty of General Dental Practice; FGDP(UK)/2017., Fellowship of the Pierre Fauchard Academy FPFA/2018 and Fellowship of International College Continuing Dental Education (FICCDE/2018), and Associate of Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in November 2019( Associate of RACDS), Fellowship of American College of Dentists (FACD/2020) and Fellowship of Faculty of General Dental Practice in December 2020.
Currently holds the following positions:
– Visiting Professor of Prosthodontics at City of London Dental School, (UK).
– Managing Editor of Global Outreach Journal of Dental Education and Research
– Associate Editor, Clinical Oral Healthcare Research, BMC Oral Health Journal
– Associate Editor in Frontiers in Dental Medicine/ Dental Materials
– Editorial Review Board / Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Scientific Reports, Quintessence International, Journal of Dental Education, Australasian Medical Journal, European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Journal of adhesion Science and Technology, European Journal of Dentistry, European Journal of General Dentistry, European Journal of Dental education and many others( upon request)
– International advisory Board of The Journal of Royal Medical Services/Jordan
– Editorial Board: Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Prosthodontics, Canadian Journal of Biomedical and Allied Research, American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, Archives of Oral and dental Research, Evidence Based medicine, ProClinS Dentistry, CPQ Dentistry and many others( upon request)
– Board Member of The International Research Ethics Committee
– President of Jordanian Section of International Association for Dental Research.
– Examiner for Part 2 (MFDSRCSI) of the Royal college of Surgeons of Ireland,
– Examiner for Parts 1 and 2 (MFDS) of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
– Advisory team of Dooox (https://www.dooox.de/Advisory-Team).
– Jordan’s Representative at OSAP( Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention).
– International Advisory board for Edorium Journals
– Dentistry Board of Global Outreach Medical & Health Association
– Academy of Dental Materials
Worked as Vice Dean and Director of Dental Teaching Clinics at Faculty of Dentistry/ Jordan University of Science and technology, Vice President of the Restorative Dentistry Committee/ Jordan Medical Council and Member of the National Committee for contentious medical education/Jordan Medical Council. He is a former member of University Council/Jordan University of Science and Technology and worked as Chairman of the Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry/Jordan University of Science and Technology and a Former Assistant Dean / Faculty of Dentistry/ Jordan University of Science and Technology. He also worked as Head of Faculty Research Committee/Faculty of Dentistry/Jordan University of Science and Technology and Head of Research Committee/ Department of Prosthodontics/ Faculty of Dentistry/Jordan University of Science and Technology
Holds several International prizes and honors as follows:
1. Dean’s honor list/Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science and Technology, 1992
2. Jordan University of Science and Technology Scholarship to Queens University of Belfast, 1998
3. The senior prize The Elida Gibbs Travel Award 2000 from the Irish Division of International Association for Dental Research (IADR)
4. The Procter and Gamble Research award 2000. Oral and Dental Research Trust, London
5. (BSSPD research Prize 2001). British Society for the study of Prosthetic Dentistry First Research Prize
6. Certificate of Recognition from IADR and AADR 2002, Get a member Campaign
7. Member of the Advisory Group For Dental Ethics Manual, FDI
8. Executive Committee of African and Middle East Federation of IADR
9. The first research prize in Prosthodontics from Society of Arab Dental Faculties (SARDF) 2010
10. Visiting Professor of Prosthodontics/City of London Dental School(UK)
11. Award of Excellence in Prosthodontics 2020 from Global Outreach Medical and Health Association
12. Outstanding Researcher in Prosthodontics Award from Global Outreach Medical and Health Association 2020
13. Member of the National Committee for Contentious Medical Education/Jordan Medical Council: 2011-2015
14. Vice President of the Restorative Dentistry Committee/ Jordan Medical Council-2009-2013, 2017-2019
15. Member of University Council/Jordan University of Science and Technology-2011-2012
16. Former Chairman of the Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry/Jordan University of Science and Technology
17. Former Dean Assistant/ Faculty of Dentistry/ Jordan University of Science and Technology
He is currently involved in teaching undergraduate and graduate students in all field of Prosthodontics in addition to involvement in advanced programs for MFDS Trainees, High specialty trainees and advanced clinical trainees in Prosthodontics
He supervised several MSc students as a main and a co advisor and as an examiner for 30 theses in all disciplines of Prosthodontics with more than 50 publications in high impact international journals. In addition, he works as a reviewer for 52 International Peer reviewed Journals and on editorial board of 71 International Journals. He attended more than 45 local and international conferences and more than 30 workshops in disciplines of Implant dentistry, Prosthodontics, Cone Beam CT, Dental education, Quality assurance and health informatics, Leader
He was a Member of the International advisory group formed by FDI for publishing the Dental Ethics Manual and carried out its translation into Arabic Language to be available to all Arabic natives.
Research Interests:
– Digital prosthodontics
– Esthetic Dentistry
– Implant prosthodontics
– Restoration of Endodontically treated teeth
– Periodontics-Restorative Dentistry Interface
– Properties of Dental materials and their clinical applications in Prosthodontics
– Legal Aspects of dental practice