Dr. Vicentiu Mircea Saceleanu
Dr. Vicentiu Mircea Saceleanu
Since 2009 I am the Chief-Physician at the Department of Neurosurgery Sibiu at County Clinical Emergency Hospital. My responsibilities in these job is to providing hospital medical services, improving clinical standards and practice models in order to provide quality medical services aiming at increasing patient satisfaction, monitoring and evaluating the medical activity performed in the hospital in order to increase the professional performance and the efficient use of the allocated resources, monitoring the main performance indicators in the medical field and their continuous improvement.
Since 2016 I become Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Department at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu. My activities and responsibilities are: courses and seminars: Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychosomatic Medicine. Scientific research activity.
In 2018 I became the Vice-president of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery (SRN).
My responsibilities include: promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of neurosurgery among the members of the society, as well as fostering the relations between the Romanian neurosurgeons and those from the international community, organizing the 45th edition of the Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery in Sibiu from 16 to 19 October, 2019. See the link below http://rsn.ro/obiective-srn/
At this moment I am running an international project through Erasmus Plus programme. The project name is “Brain Revealed: Innovative Technologies in Neurosurgery Study”
During my research activities I obtained the following awards:
• Gold Medal for the work “Cranial Implant with osteointegrating structures and functional coatings”, 2018 Bangkok, International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (IPITEx 2018);
• Special award for the invention “Cranial Implant with osteointegrating structures and functional coatings”, 2018 Bangkok, International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (IPITEx 2018);
• “Special Honor of Invention” Prize – Cranial Implant with osteointegrating structures and functional coatings”, 2018 Bangkok, International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx 2018);
• Prix de L AGEPI, at the Inventics International Exhibition, Geneva, April 2018;
• Gold medal for the work “Cranial Implant with osteointegrating structures and functional coatings” 2018, Pro Invent Cluj-Napoca;
• The Grand Prize of the Technical University, Bucharest, at the Pro Invent Salon 2018, Cluj-Napoca, March 2018;
• Diploma of Excellence “King Michael I of Romania”, March 2018, Timisoara;
• Special Award from the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu for the work “Cranial Implant with osteointegrating structures and functional coatings”, 2018, Cluj-Napoca;
• Diploma of Excellence for the projects for the benefit of the community “Outstanding personalities of Sibiu”