Dr. Ventseslav Stankov

Dr. Ventseslav Stankov

Doctor Ventseslav Stankov is among the best positioned professionals in the domain of dental medicine in Bulgaria.

He is managing a team of 24 employees as the Chief Doctor at Dr. Stankov Dental Clinique. Dr. Stankov’s clinical work is focused on end-to-end esthetical treatment in Dental Medicine, implantology, periodontal plastic microsurgery, periodontal regeneration, complex cases of prosthetics on natural teeth and implants.

Ventseslav Stankov is a renowned and influential international lecturer – the trend-setter in his area of expertise. He has executed a number of courses for postgraduate qualification in the fields of Periodontology and Prosthetics. Dr. Stankov has won the second prize of the one-year Master program of GIDE (Global Institute for dental Education) at the University of California, Los Angeles (2013).

His career starts after he has graduated in Dental medicine in the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University in Plovdiv (2007).

  • GIDE(global institute of dental education)-UCLA Los Angelis one year program-master of aesthetic dentistry
  • Cortellini and Tonetti educational program 2014
  • He is visiting the courses of Zimmer institute Switzerland (2010-2015)
  • Certified Zimmer instructor and demonstrator in Zimmer Biomet Institute since 2015
  • Urban Regeneration Institute-one year master program (2016)
  • Hurzeler/Zuhr Dental Education Institute- two years master program (2015-2017)
  • Prof. G.Zucchelli master program in the University of Bologna (2017-2019)
  • Ventseslav Stankov is an active member of Bulgarian Periodontology society, Sofia Dental Meeting, GIDE study club and Zimmer club.
  • Since 2017 is working closely with Eric Van Dooren-Antwerp, Belgium