Dr. Samuel Lima


Dr. Samuel Lima

Graduated in Dentistry since 2000 from the University of Fortaleza – UNFOR. He has worked in private practice in the areas of General Practice and Endodontics since 2000. Specialist in Endodontics since 2002 by the Brazilian Association of Endodontics – Cear Section, Specialist in Orthodontics since 2011 by the Vale do Acaraado University, post-year post-year 2011 by Dentistry and Master in Endodontics since 2018 by So Leopoldo Mandic and PhD student in Dental Clinic by So Leopoldo Mandic. He worked as a family health dentist in the city of Fortaleza from 2001 to 2006. He worked as an Endodontist (1st Lieutenant of the Brazilian Air Force – FAB) from 2006 to 2012.

He worked as an Endodontist at the Centro de Especialidades Dentistas-CEO de munica 2010 to 2012. Acts as a dental surgeon in the City Hall of Macei from 2013 to the present and acts as an Endodontist, Orthodontist and not a dental prosthesis area in the office and in Macei clinics. He coordinates and teaches the course of Endodontics of Centro de Studies Odontolgico de Macei-CEOM since August of 2015, Coordinator of Endodontics improvement of the Dental Cube in Arapiraca, Coordinator of Endodontics Improvement of Odont.

Professor of the Embryology and General Embryology Course Bucos, Cariology and Endodontics I, Faculty of Technology of Alagoas – FAT from February 2015 to 2018, Professor of integrated clinic at Centro Universitrio Mrio Juca from 2018 to the present date. Creator of the Endodontics course 100% online: Endoninjas. Founding partner of Endodontics 100% online. Organizer of the 1st International Congress of Endodontics 100% online – CIENDO 2017, Ciendo 2018, Ciendo 2019, Ciendo 2020.