Dr. Pheakdey Nhoung
Dr. Pheakdey Nhoung
I am a pediatrician, consultant and pediatric anesthetist in Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC). As a medical staff in children hospital, I would like to be a part of AHC to keep child health better and less suffering from any diseases. As a pediatric anesthetist, I have to provide safety, painless to children under any procedures.
I graduated in Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Russia in 2009. I started my job as a pediatric resident in AHC in 18 January 2010. During this residency, i got distance learning in pediatrics that provided by Westmead Children’s Hospital in Australia.
After finishing my residency, I got a training as pediatric anesthesia then 3 years I got a fellowship from WFSA-BARTC in Thailand to train to be anesthesiologist for 1 year duration (16 January 2017 to 16 January 2018).
Nowadays, I am an instructor in Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS), Basic Life Support (BLS), faculty member in hospital education and also chief of pediatric anesthesia in AHC too. I work in non-profit children hospital that provide free of care to children around Cambodia, 500 children per day that include out-patient, in-patient, eye, dental, malnutrition, HIV, social worker and surgical care.
To improve child care in Cambodia, my hospital has multidisciplinary teams that work closely to each other. Hospital also works and cooperate with other medical university include Angkor University, University of Health Science, International University, Puthisastra University to train medical students too.