Dr. Omid Moghaddas
- Board Certified Periodontist
- Full time Assistant Professor at the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry ; Tehran Azad University Dental Faculty
- Fellowship in Implant Dentistry from State University of New York -DentalXP
- Expert at Dentalxp.com
- Author of 9 books in the field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
- President of International Symposium of Complications in Implant Dentistry
- Expert and Consultant at the Forensic Medicine Oragnization
- International comsultant at the Cranio Maxillofacial Research center ; Tehran Azad University
- More than 200 lectures Internationally and Nationally and have done more than 70 Live surgeries at official platforms
- Fellow and Master of ICOI
- Minec Knight