Dr. Gerald Morris

Dr. Gerald Morris
I am an Internal Medicine physician practicing in Tucson Arizona in the United States for over a decade and share a practice with my wife. I am the father of 2 boys and enjoy Martial Arts, sports and travel with my family.
My areas of expertise are in Acute and Chronic disease management of Adults. I have a large focus on preventative side of healthcare. I pride myself on being able to engage my patients on an individual level and build treatment plans that are very specific to their own personal health issues.
My decision to go to Medical School was fueled by seeing my family deal with their own health issues. I watched my grandfather pass away from a Stroke and my Grand mother die of a massive heart attack. I have always been fascinated by science growing up and the transition to med school was a no brainer.
In the last few years my interests have grown to include Personal Development Coaching for Physicians and other professionals who are looking to take their careers and life to a more elevated level. My ultimate goal is to help physicians excel in life in the real world – the business world of Medicine.