Dr. Florin Lazarescu

Dr. Florin Lazarescu
Dr. Florin Lazarescu is the President of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD) and a founding member and corporate director of the Society of Esthetic Dentistry in Romania (SSER), the most important dentistry association in Romania.

Dr. Lazarescu is editor in chief of Dental Tribune International Magazine – Romanian Edition and Today Newspaper. Dr. Lazarescu is the author of numerous publications on issues surrounding dentistry and he is editor and author of the book “Immersion in esthetic dentistry” published and distributed by SSER in 10.000 copies. As a recognition of his work, in 2015 Quintessence published his volume “Comprehensive Esthetic Dentistry” in English, followed in 2017 by the edition in Chinese.

His practice is an esthetically bassed one, with an accent on all-ceramic and implant restorative procedures and esthetic dentistry.