Dr. Chunbo Tang

Dr. Chunbo Tang
Dr. Chunbo Tang is now a professor, chief physician and doctoral supervisor at the Department of Dental Implantology, Affiliated Hospital of Stomatology, Nanjing Medical University. She is now a standing committee member of Oral Implantology Sub-society of Chinese Stomatological Association, the chairman of Oral Implantology Association, Jiangsu Stomatological Association, and a standing committee member of Oral Orthopedics Sub-society of Chinese Association of Plastics and Aesthetics. She is also an editorial board member of the Journal of Oral Biomedicine and Journal of Stomatology.

She has been engaged in prosthodontics for more than 20 years, and has a thorough understanding of oral implantology. She once was a visiting scholar at College of Dentistry, the University of California for one year. She has hosted a total of 8 science projects including General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China and other provincial and municipal projects. She has authored 1 book, over 60 peer-reviewed journal papers including 18 SCI papers. She obtained a national invention patent, copyright of practical computer software and 3 awards for Jiangsu Provincial Health Technology Introduction Award. She was one of the editors of the textbook of “Oral Implantology” for undergraduate students. She won the titles of “Six Talent Peaks Project” in Jiangsu Province and “High Leading Talents in Science and Technology” in Nanjing City.